Monday, March 23, 2009

Family Day and Weekend Pass

I left 3/19/09 for Family Day. It's kind of a boring drive to KY. I was on only 3 roads the whole way there. The family day ceremony started at 1000 on Friday 3/20/09. All of the soldiers were sitting in the front of the theater. There was a little skit about getting up in the morning and how they do PT and then we watched them march to their barracks. After the finally released them I got to sign Chuck out for the weekend. It was a tearful reunion on my part. I think that's about the happiest I've been in a long time. Chuck had lots of plans for the weekend. Eating, sleeping, eating, sleeping and eating. We went to Applebee's for lunch, pizza for dinner, with apple pie and ice cream for dessert. Shoney's buffet for breakfast, fried chicken for lunch, Chinese for dinner with apple pie and ice cream and then sonic shakes and ice cream before bed. Then waffles for breakfast and Red Lobster for lunch. We relaxed in a park listening to music, till I had to get him back on Sunday. And of course it was a tearful goodbye (on both parts this time). 6 more weeks till a can go to KY and bring him home with me. Can't wait for that. I'm counting down the days again (45). The girls (dogs) weren't sure what was going on when I got home today. They kept smelling me and then running outside to see where I had him hiding. Well, not to much longer and they'll get to see him. Graduation is May 7th, so I'll head down on the 6th. I'll keep everyone posted. Not sure when I'll get my next letter or phone call.

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