Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Chuck said that one guys from 2ND platoon never came back tonight, after his family pass. A few guys from Chuck's platoon didn't shave. He said the smoking wasn't to bad, though. Chuck went for a run later that night with a guy from his platoon. He didn't eat much at dinner chow since he was still so full from the weekend. Chuck said that everyone that proposed over the weekend got told yes, but he still thinks they're suckers. He's happy because now he has songs in his head (not cadences).

They went for a troop run this am then did PT. Then had classes and then lunch. Another class after lunch. They are waiting around for the next thing. Everyone else is sleeping and if they get caught they are in big trouble. They had a finance class tonight and also will have it the rest of the week. Chuck doesn't like it because it's many for the full time guys. Someone got in trouble and they only had 3 minutes to eat dinner. Fireguard tonight. Longer shifts now, but less days so they'll see how that goes.

Early PT today. Now they are waiting for class instructions. They had a radio communications equipment class. Chuck enjoyed that. Now they are going to a Humvee class. It's a nice day out today. Humvee class was good. Learned how to do the initial pre-check and maintenance. More PT before dinner. They are doing a long run in the AM. Waiting for tonights finance class. Done with finance class and got another smoking.

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