Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Chuck got some new paper for my letters because I didn't like the fringe stuff on the side. I kept cutting it off to save his letters and when I told him this he said he'd get some special stuff for me. They did a easy run this am, then had a radio class. After lunch they got smoked for about 45 minutes (people were sleeping again). Then they had to move their bays again. They are getting ready for their trip this week. They will march out there Friday, stay the night and march back Saturday.

Not a good morning. Some guys didn't like the way Chuck was platoon leader and they tried to steal part of his gun and get him in trouble. Chuck was sleeping when they snuck in but he saw them do it and got them in trouble instead. Neither guy would admit to it when Chuck questioned them, so Chuck went to the DS. Of course then everyone got smoked and a lot of guys were pissed because they knew who did it. They finally came forward and they are in a lot of trouble. A LOT. Chuck said that he straightened them out and they won't be bothering him again. Today someone got a letter that had 13 pages of Chuck Norris jokes so they are reading those and laughing.

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