Saturday, February 14, 2009


They did their 5K march today with full battle gear. Chuck said it didn't go to bad except his back is sore from wearing gear for 8 hours. He said that it was pretty cool because looking at it there is soldiers lining the road as far as the eye can see. Then they did some more range practice. Chuck has been helping with the practical testing for the CLS class. Some of the drill SGT's have been talking about how squared away Chuck is compared to all of the other recruits. It was in the 60's for them today. The nice weather is really making him miss his motorcycle. Someone obviously made some mistakes because they are back to getting screamed at all the time.

The practiced at the range today. It rained all day and they were all soaked while they shot. Chuck didn't do very good and was a little discouraged by this. It was just practice though, so it didn't count for anything. He has been having problems with his battle buddy. He forgets everything all the time and really distracts Chuck. Then some of the guys heard that he had passed all the tests they've taken so far and everyone was coming in asking questions. He said that normally he wouldn't mind, but he's also trying to study for his own tests that he still has to take. Obviously they didn't pay attention enough the first time around. The also got food condiments taken away from them, so that means no syrup or peanut butter for his pancakes.d They have been getting longer showers at least. Usually a minute, but sometimes more.
That's all for today. I will keep everyone posted.

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