Sunday, January 25, 2009

The start of basic

So this letter is from the first week in Basic. Chuck wouldn't go to church on Sunday (even though it is highly encouraged) so he ended up watching someone on suicide watch. Sounds like fun. Chuck is upset because he had to go get his 3rd haircut since he's been there. It costs 4.75 each time. I found out that the phone call I thought was coming today was actually last Sunday and that didn't happen. They were told that the better they qualify (shooting) the longer the phone call they can get. That'll be in 3 weeks or so. They got there rifles and Chuck named his Nellie. He is not really enjoying the 30 second shower. He said him and his towel are usually covered in soap still. He thinks that he has lost weight. There is more time to eat but less options. Still only spoons though. He said that one guy took a lot of food and then didn't eat it all. The drill Sgt. took the food out of the garbage and made the guy eat it. Chuck was made Platoon Leader, which is good, but he said that it's also bad because the first one always gets fired. Everyone had to write a 500 word essay on what it means to be an American soldier. They keep getting in trouble because people leave their rifles laying around. They have to keep them with them 24/7 or the get smoked is what chuck says. He's still not getting much sleep. He said one night they went to bed at 2200, they got woke up every 1/2 hour, have to get dressed, go into the hall do some PT (physical training). That went on till 0030 and then he had fireguard duty 0200 till 0400. They spend lots of time cleaning, and in class. They keep making them eat MRE's cold. Chuck says that they are not to bad warm but not good at all cold. And they can't have the dessert or coffee in them. He got all of his supplies, rifle, bayonet, bullet proof vests and helmets. Have to wear these all the time. The vest is about 30lbs. He keeps saying that he can't wait to get a letter from me. I've written one every day since he left, and went to the post office Thursday to mail them after I got the address since my mail had already been picked up. So, he should be getting those soon. I'm sure he would appreciate some other letters to. I'll keep everyone updated.

1 comment:

  1. I was really touched that Chuck named his rifle Nellie. I love it. Glad to hear he is having so much fun. LOL March will be here before you no it so it will be great for both of you to see each other. Chuck we are still proud of you and you know how much we love you. Still trying to take care of Nel but she is pretty independent. I think you know that. Will post more later. Love you guys
    Grandpa and Grandma
